
First steps

Specify how much time you have available. Enter a holiday.
Create a task. Change its deadline, its end date. Update its progress.

Did you study the example? Start here!


Click on the clock in the menu bar of your personal home page to edit your availabilities. The service has configured an availability of 8 hours per day from Monday to Friday.

2025-02-24 09 8 8 8 8 8 0 0 40

Click on the calculator to compute your availabilities over a period of time.

 40  5 • 3-mar-2025 → 9-mar-2025  7 days

For 7 calendar days, you are available 5 days for a total of 40 hours.

To indicate that next month you will not work on Wednesdays, click in the Date field and select the first day of the month. Enter 0 for Wednesday and leave all the other days of the week from Monday to Friday to 8 for a total of 32 hours.

Press Enter. A line is added to the table.

2025-02-24 09 8 8 8 8 8 0 0 40
2025-03-01 09 8 8 0 8 8 0 0 32

To indicate that in fact you will be available only for 4 hours on Fridays, click on the last date in the table to edit it and enter 4 for Friday for a total of 28 hours per week. Press Enter to modify the line in the table.

2025-02-24 09 8 8 8 8 8 0 0 40
2025-03-01 09 8 8 0 8 4 0 0 28

To indicate that you will be on vacation from Christmas to New Year's Day, select the corresponding days in the calendar for the days off and press Validate.

Days off 8

Use the calculator to compute your availabilities until the end of the month, the next month, the end of the year. Click on the button to draw a chart.


Click on the list in the menu bar to display the list of your tasks then click on the cogs in the banner to create your first task.


Type in the title Learn how to use Cronorg and press Add.

Learn how to use Cronorg

Click on the title Learn how to use Cronorg in the list to edit the task.

Type in Read the documentation with attention while trying all the examples. in the field Subject and add the keywords cronorg documentation read urgent in the field Cloud for the search engine. Leave the priority level to 1. Press Edit to save your modifications.

The service creates a task with a load of 1 hour and a deadline at the date of the day.



Ignore for now the input fields for the start and end dates of a task, for the load per day of a task and its progress. A task with no end date must be done at its deadline date. A task without a start date can start as soon as possible.

Set the load to 5 hours. Click on the calendar and move the deadline to next Monday, March 3, 2025. Press Modify.

NOTE: Alternatively, you can create a task directly on your personal home page.




Click on the link below to download the image of the alarm clock of Cronorg.

Scroll to the Cover section. Press Upload. Look for the file alarmclock.png that you have just saved on your disk and open it. The cover image illustrates a task and makes it easy to identify it.

Click on the globe in the banner to view the task.

Learn how to use Cronorg

March 3 2025
5 hours
March 3 2025
5 hours

Read the documentation with attention while trying all the examples.

cronorg documentation read urgent

The view of a task displays the title, the end date and the remaining load, the deadline and the total load, the subject, the list of keywords and a wall on which you can upload files.

Click on cronorg.com  in the banner to return to your personal home page.

IMPORTANT: The documentation assumes an availability of 8 hours per day from Monday till Friday.

1 task

5 hours

Friday February 28, 2025 at 02:57

28-feb-2025 → 3-mar-2025 • 4 days  16  2 →  11  2

03-03 10 5 0 1 11 Learn how to use Cronorg

You have altogether one task for a cumulated load of 5 hours.

The 03-03 you have one task to finish with a remaining load of 5 hours. You haven't specified a start date and the task can therefore start today. The task progress is 0%. You can finish it in 1 day with a margin of 11 hours.

On a small screen, the columns Wk and are masked.

Click on the in the title bar to display how the load of every task is distributed per day.

Click on the pen to display more details about the task.

March 3 2025
March 3 2025
February 28 2025

Learn how to use Cronorg


The task Learn how to use Cronorg must be finished at the latest March 3, 2025. It's scheduled to end the same day and to start today. The total load of the task is 5 hours. Its progress is 0 hours. You need another 5 hours to complete it.

Input a progress of 2 hours.

Press the clock to update the task.

1 task

3 hours

Friday February 28, 2025 at 02:57

28-feb-2025 → 3-mar-2025 • 4 days  16  2 →  13  2

03-03 10 3 40 1 13 Learn how to use Cronorg

You have altogether now a cumulated load of 3 hours.

You have one task to finish the 03-03 with a load of 3 hours. The task progress is 40%. You can finish it in 1 day with a 13 hour margin.

Click on the pen to redisplay the details about the task.

March 3 2025
March 3 2025
February 28 2025

Learn how to use Cronorg


Click in the field with the calendar for the end date. Choose a date closer and press the calendar to update the task.

If your enter a date beyond the deadline, the table points out an error and the modification is ignored.

Click on the pen to display the details about the task.

Click on the title of the task to view it then on the pencil in the banner to edit it.



Change the deadline to the next day. Press Modify to save your modification.

Click on cronorg.com  in the banner to return to your personal home page.

Click on the pen to redisplay the details about the task.

March 4 2025
February 28 2025
February 28 2025

Learn how to use Cronorg


The deadline is now one day later.

Click in the field for the end date. Select 2025-03-04.

Press the calendar to update the task.

1 task

3 hours

Friday February 28, 2025 at 02:57

28-feb-2025 → 4-mar-2025 • 5 days  24  3 →  21  3

03-04 10 3 40 1 21 Learn how to use Cronorg

You now have a margin of 21 hours.

Click on the pen to display the details about the task.

Click in the field for the start date, select the same day as the end date.

Press the calendar to update the task.

1 task

3 hours

Friday February 28, 2025 at 02:57

4-mar-2025 → 4-mar-2025 • 1 day  8  1 →  5  1

03-04 10 03-04 3 40 1 5 Learn how to use Cronorg

The task starts 03-04. You can complete the task in 1 day with a margin of 5 hours.

If you let the end date pass, without updating the task progress, your schedule is in alert.

1 task

3 hours

Wednesday March 5, 2025 at 02:57

5-mar-2025 ← 4-mar-2025 • 1 day  0  0 →  0  0  3

03-04 10 3 40 0 3 Learn how to use Cronorg

Shift the end date and terminate the task by setting its progress to 5, or more if the task took more time than planned.

Wednesday March 5, 2025 at 02:57

5-mar-2025 → 5-mar-2025 • 1 day  8  1 →  8  1

03-05 10 5 100 Learn how to use Cronorg

Click on the thumbs up to hear a round of applause.


Task description


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