

Follow how Margo organized the schedule of her last week of work of the year 2018.

2018-10-01 40 8 8 8 8 8 0 0 40
2019-01-02 01 8 8 0 8 4 0 0 28

In 2018, Margo is available 40 hours a week since October 1st. In 2019, she doesn't work Wednesdays and only 4 hours Fridays.

Days off 6

Margo will be on vacation for Christmas from December 25 till January 1st.

December 17, 2018

Margo has a busy week. 4 tasks are already scheduled:

  1. Read client contract • 6 h ∗ Friday → start date Monday, end date Wednesday.
  2. Client visit • 16 h ∗ Wednesday → start date Tuesday, end date Wednesday.
  3. Write TOS • 6 h ∗ Friday → end date Friday.
  4. Project design • 10 h ∗ next Monday → end date Friday.

A task has a title, a load in hours and a deadline. The end date can be earlier than the deadline. A start date is optional. In this case, the task can start as soon as possible. By playing with the start and end dates of her tasks, Margo will be able to envision her week with serenity and fulfill her objectives.

4 tasks
38 hours
Monday December 17, 2018 at 09:00
17-dec-2018 → 21-dec-2018 • 5 days
 40  5 →  2  1  
12-1951 12-18 16 0 2 0 Client visit 12-18 8 → 12-19 8
51 12-17 6 0 1 0 Read client contract 12-17 6
12-2151 6 0 2 2 Write TOS 12-17 2 → 12-20 4
51 10 0 2 2 Project design 12-20 4 → 12-21 6

Margo has altogether 4 tasks for a cumulated load of 38 hours. Today, December 18, 2018, she must spend 6 hours on Read client contract, and tomorrow, 8 hours on Client visit. She's busy from 17-dec till 21-dec. During these 5 days, she can work 40 hours in 5 days and her schedule leaves her with 2 free hours over 1 day.

The tasks Client visit and Read client contract must be terminated the 12-19. Their progress is 0%. Client visit is a priority and starts the 12-18. The remaining load is 16 hours. Margo can complete this task in 2 days with a margin of 0 hours, in orange because the margin is less than 20% of the remaining load. Read client contract starts the 12-17. The remaining load is 6 hours. Margo can terminate this task in 1 day with a margin of 0 hours, also in orange.

By moving the mouse over a date, Margo can display the day of the week, and for an end date, the total hours to do.

The tasks Write TOS and Project design must be terminated the 12-21. Neither has a start date. They can start as soon as possible. The 16 hours for Client visit take the 12-18 and the 12-19. Read client contract takes 6 hours the 12-17. The 2 remaining hours are free for Write TOS or Project design which Margo can complete in 2 days with a margin of 2 hours for the two tasks.

By clicking on the in the title bar, Margo can display how the load of every task is distributed per day.

Margo decides to shift the end date of the task Project design to the following Monday and to start Write TOS and Project design the 12-20 in order to have 2 free hours for Read client contract.

4 tasks
38 hours
Monday December 17, 2018 at 09:10
17-dec-2018 → 24-dec-2018 • 8 days
 48  6 →  10  2  
12-1951 12-18 16 0 2 0 Client visit 12-18 8 → 12-19 8
51 12-17 6 0 1 2 Read client contract 12-17 6
12-2151 12-20 6 0 1 0 Write TOS 12-20 6
12-2452 12-20 10 0 2 8 Project design 12-20 2 → 12-21 8

Read client contract is not in orange anymore. Margo can terminate Write TOS in 1 day and Project design in 2 days, 2 hours the 12-20 and 8 hours the 12-21, with a margin of 8 hours the 12-24. She's busy from 17-dec till 24-dec. During these 8 days, she can work 48 hours in 6 days and her schedule leaves her 10 free hours over 2 days.

Monday morning • A training of 4 hours is added Thursday.

5 tasks
42 hours
Monday December 17, 2018 at 09:47
17-dec-2018 → 24-dec-2018 • 8 days
 48  6 →  6  2  
12-1951 12-18 16 0 2 0 Client visit 12-18 8 → 12-19 8
51 12-17 6 0 1 2 Read client contract 12-17 6
12-2051 12-20 4 0 1 0 Training 12-20 4
12-2151 12-20 6 0 2 0 Write TOS 12-20 4 → 12-21 2
12-2452 12-21 10 0 2 4 Project design 12-21 6 → 12-24 4

Margo has altogether 5 tasks for a cumulated load of 42 hours.

The schedule points out that the task Project design must start the 12-21.

Margo clicks on the in the title bar to displays how the tasks are distributed then on the button to draw a chart of her work days.

Moving the mouse over a bar or clicking a bar displays the date and the total load of a day, the list of the tasks with the number of hours to do.

The priority task Training takes 4 hours the 12-20. Write TOS takes 2 days, 4 hours the 12-20 and 2 hours the 12-21. Project design has a margin of only 4 hours the 12-24.

Margo clicks on the button to draw a chart with the number of available hours per day.

Moving the mouse over a bar or clicking a bar displays the date of the day and the number of hours available.

Monday evening • Margo has worked 2 hours on Read client contract and 4 hours on Write TOS. She updates the tasks progress.

5 tasks
36 hours
Monday December 17, 2018 at 18:11
17-dec-2018 → 24-dec-2018 • 8 days
 48  6 →  12  2  
12-1951 12-18 16 0 2 0 Client visit 12-18 8 → 12-19 8
51 12-17 4 33 1 4 Read client contract 12-17 4
12-2051 12-20 4 0 1 0 Training 12-20 4
12-2151 12-20 2 67 1 0 Write TOS 12-20 2
12-2452 12-20 10 0 2 8 Project design 12-20 2 → 12-21 8

Margo clicks on the title of a task to display more details about it. She can directly modify its progress or its start and end dates.

December 21 2018
December 19 2018
December 17 2018

Read client contrat


Validation of the client contract after approval by the legal department.

The cover image of a task, like a logo or a poster, makes it easy to identify it in the chronological list of tasks or in the result of a search by keywords. By clicking on the title of a task, Margo can simply drop documents on a wall or shift to the editor to write a blog with clickable images, links to external documents, charts and Post-its, record an audio, insert a video on YouTube, a Google map, etc. With a little practice, possibilities are surprising.

Read the articles Task description and First steps.

Tuesday morning • 4 hours are missing to complete Read client contract.

5 tasks
36 hours
Tuesday December 18, 2018 at 09:07
18-dec-2018 → 24-dec-2018 • 7 days
 40  5 →  8  1  4  
12-1951 12-18 16 0 2 0 Client visit 12-18 8 → 12-19 8
51 12-17 4 33 0 4 Read client contract
12-2051 12-20 4 0 1 0 Training 12-20 4
12-2151 12-20 2 67 1 0 Write TOS 12-20 2
12-2452 12-20 10 0 2 8 Project design 12-20 2 → 12-21 8

Before leaving Monday, Margo could have indicated that 8 hours had passed in the day and seen the problem.

Margo decides to shift Read client contract to Thursday without specifying a start date.

5 tasks
36 hours
Tuesday December 18, 2018 at 09:21
18-dec-2018 → 24-dec-2018 • 7 days
 40  5 →  4  1  
12-1951 12-18 16 0 2 0 Client visit 12-18 8 → 12-19 8
12-2051 12-20 4 0 1 0 Training 12-20 4
51 4 33 1 0 Read client contract 12-20 4
12-2151 12-21 2 67 1 0 Write TOS 12-21 2
12-2452 12-21 10 0 2 4 Project design 12-21 6 → 12-24 4

Training and Read client contract take the 12-20. Write TOS and Project design must start the 12-21.

Thursday morning • Margo spent 2 days on Client visit. The task is complete and passed. It's not in the schedule anymore. During these 2 days, Margo could also terminate Write TOS earlier than planned.

3 tasks
18 hours
Thursday December 20, 2018 at 09:05
20-dec-2018 → 24-dec-2018 • 5 days
 24  3 →  6  1  
12-2051 12-20 4 0 1 0 Training 12-20 4
51 12-20 4 33 1 0 Read client contract 12-20 4
12-2151 6 100 Write TOS
12-2452 12-21 10 0 2 6 Project design 12-21 8 → 12-24 2

Write TOS is done. Margo clicks on the thumbs up to hear a round of applause.

The 12-20 is taken by Training and Read client contrat. If Margo spends 8 hours on Projet design the 12-21 and another 2 hours the 12-24, she will have 6 free hours to get ready for Christmas Eve.

Friday morning • The tasks Training and Read client contrat have progressed to 100%. They don't appear in the schedule. Margo decides to create a task Christmas shopping of 4 hours and to spend 4 hours a day on Project design.

A task which doesn't appear anymore in the schedule is still accessible from the list of tasks.

2 tasks
14 hours
Friday December 21, 2018 at 09:11
21-dec-2018 → 24-dec-2018 • 4 days
 16  2 →  4  1  2  
12-2151 6 100 Write TOS
12-2452 12-21 10 0 2 2 Project design  4 12-21 4 → 12-24 4
52 12-21 4 0 1 4 Christmas shopping 12-21 4

Margo cannot complete Project design in time. She could finish Christmas shopping in 1 day but 2 hours are missing in her schedule if she spends 4 hours a day for 2 days on Project design. She tries 5 hours a day.

December 24 2018
December 24 2018
December 21 2018

Project design


2 tasks
14 hours
Friday December 21, 2018 at 09:13
21-dec-2018 → 24-dec-2018 • 4 days
 16  2 →  2  1  
12-2151 6 100 Write TOS
12-2452 12-21 10 0 2 2 Project design  5 12-21 5 → 12-24 5
52 12-21 4 0 2 2 Christmas shopping 12-21 3 → 12-24 1

Margo will have to do Christmas shopping in 2 days.

Why not 2 hours per day to have 1 hour free every day?


Task description, First steps, Toolbox


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